The works in this numbered series, begun in 2015, use a diagonal, gridded structure, set within a square. They are made with pale watercolour and Indian ink, often built up in layers. They reference multiple, visual geometries as found in early Modernist painting/ the collapsing geometric floors of Herculaneum, Italy/ works by Victor Vasarely and Francisco Sobrino/ the construction principles of Patagonian nomadic dwellings and an Ethiopian coffee house built in the form of a geodesic dome. The title ‘Imagined Legacy’ acknowledges the influence of the past, while simultaneously projecting towards the future. These works have formed the basis of a new body of watercolour works on a much larger scale, which engage specifically with optical and spatial disorientation, (see ‘Shivers and Structures’ and ‘Shifts and Overlays’ sections in this website). They echo and revitalise elements of the photographic such as light, focus, exposure and filtration, transposing those elements to the drawn and painted surface, with a particular focus on extended time and duration in the process of making.